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Run Club

Members Area


Welcome to the run things run club members area, where you can access the weekly training schedules, brand discounts, and other information if you are not part of our facebook group.


Welcome to the run things run club members area, where you can access the weekly training schedules, brand discounts, and other information if you are not part of our facebook group.

Meet the team clare and kev

Kev and Clare

Aka these two

Yo it's us, we’re pretty sure you know who we are by now, but just in case. We’re Kev and Clare or Clare and Kev. Between us, we’ve run somewhere close to 150 marathons, countless training miles, and have plenty a running story to tell. More than that though we both have our own tales of how physical activity has supported and continues to support our mental health (which you can hear about on the pod). We’re the creators of run things, the virtual events you lot love, and now this new shiny club.

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